Employee Training Module
For all Liberty Homecare employees:
On this page, you will find important information for onboarding and training.
PCA Certification Test
Please download the DSS PCA quiz, type in your answers, and save the document as a PDF.
When the quiz is completed, please email the filled-in PDF to: joseph@libertyhomecarect.com
Sexual Harassment Training
The State of Connecticut mandates that all employees complete a 2-hour sexual harassment training. To comply with this, please follow the instructions below to complete this training. Failure to complete this training will prevent us from scheduling shifts until training is completed.
This training can be completed on a smartphone if you do not have a laptop or desktop computer at home.
Click on ‘Start Training’
Training video links for each section can be found at the top of the quiz section in blue. Once you are done watching the video, click ‘Next’ to answer that sections’ questions.
At the end of each training video, the answers are given. Write them down! Answer all questions in each section.
There should be a total of 7 videos to watch. Once you click on the first video, the rest will play through YouTube.
When you have completed all 7 quizzes, the certificate of completion page will be shown.
Enter (1) your full name, (2) today’s date, and (3) the following email address: joseph@libertyhomecarect.com
Note: You must enter this email address so the certificate can be sent to the office.
If you are unable to complete this training on your own, you may call the office to come in to take the training.
If you have any questions, please call the office at (860) 357-4112.
Sandata mobile app
For instructions on how to properly complete Electronic Visit Verification with Sandata, please view the following video:
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my client doesn’t answer the door when I arrive?
Contact the office before leaving the premises. We ask that you wait a total of 15 minutes, and then you are free to leave and will be paid for your travel time to the client’s home, along with the time spent waiting. The office must be notified immediately, and a schedule change will be made in our system. Failure to call the office will result in an in-office counsel.
Can I trade shifts or send another caregiver to take my place at a client’s home?
No. All schedule changes must go through the scheduling department. Any schedule changes made between staff without proper office approval will lead to disciplinary counsel.
How do I obtain timesheets if Sandata isn’t working?
Timesheets are available for pick up in the office anytime during business hours Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm. There is a plastic box outside our office door where sheets can be obtained. Timesheets are permitted for payroll only if an employee has called in a Sandata error and received authorization to bring a timesheet. If you are a live-in caregiver, you may call/contact the office and we will mail them out to the client’s home.
What should I do if I hurt myself while taking care of a client?
Immediately notify the office. We have 24-hour on-call service that will take your report right away. You will be asked to come into the office within 48 hours to fill out a formal agency incident report. Please be prepared to provide details of the incident. We will direct you to an approved care facility for evaluation.
Should I take any special precautions when caring for a sick client?
You should always follow “universal precautions,” which includes frequently washing your hands, wearing disposable gloves, and wearing face covering (masks). If you are very sick, such as vomiting, dizziness, etc., please notify the office immediately so we can find a replacement. We never want to risk our clients becoming ill. A doctor’s note for excused absence will be required.
How should I dress when working with a client?
It is our policy for employees to wear “acceptable” work attire or a work-issued shirt/polo. A name badge is required to be worn at all times. Proper dress code is discussed during orientation. Please remember, you are a representation of our company, and it is important to be neat and presentable.
What should I do if my availability changes?
Immediately notify the office. You will be asked to submit a "Schedule Change Request" form to the scheduling department. We will update the information and schedules as needed.
Can I work for another homecare agency while I am employed with Liberty Homecare Options?
Yes, but you cannot solicit business from Liberty Homecare’s clients or employees. We also expect that any outside work will not interfere with maintaining your work schedule. Any soliciting of clients to transfer agencies, or other direct care staff to work for alternate agencies, will result in contact from our legal team in violation of the non-solicitation agreement. The mentioned agreement is reviewed during orientation and is part of hiring documents/process for all employees.
May I accept small gifts or “tips” from my client?
No tips, gifts, or loans are allowed to be accepted from our clients. This also includes taking/asking for gas money from clients, even though they may offer. Politely refuse and let them know it’s against company policy.
If I have a concern with my paycheck, who should I call?
Payroll questions can be answered by our Payroll Clerk by calling our office number, (860) 357-4112, during business hours: Monday – Friday, 9am - 5pm. If the Clerk is unavailable, a message will be documented for follow up within 24 hours of call.