About Us
Liberty Homecare Options is solely a non-medical agency committed to providing quality in-home and community-based services. Our mission is to provide professional, compassionate, and individualized care. Liberty supports individuals of all ages to achieve independence through building strong relationships and ensuring high quality care.
Our vision is to provide person-centered care to promote independent and supportive care to people with complex needs, so they can stay home, stay healthy, and stay safe.
The Liberty Difference
Liberty Homecare Options is an agency committed to providing quality in-home, and community-based services to support an individual’s goals, strengths, and passions. As a family owned and operated agency, we understand the importance of maintaining meaningful relationships and family support. We also take pride in integrating fully comprehensive home health care education in our staff training sessions. We strive to provide the best home care for each client.
CARF® Accreditation
Liberty Homecare Options is proud to be a CARF®-accredited service provider, which provides international recognition of our commitment to excellence. Third-party payers, governmental agencies, and the public at-large recognize CARF accreditation as a demonstration of accountability and conformance to internationally accepted standards that promote excellence in our services. CARF accreditation is evidence that we are striving to improve efficiency, fiscal health, and service delivery by creating a foundation for satisfaction.
Professional Staff
Liberty employees are trained in personal care skills and interpersonal communication. Our professional and compassionate staff are ready to assist with daily living needs. Personal care staff are trained and experienced to help maintain independence and ensure safety in the home.